Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Monday, April 30, 2012
I Love the Rain
I love rain and always have. I love dark brooding skies about to burst. I love mist, fog and beautiful models in mod dresses protected by an amazingly constructed and designed vintage umbrella. Sometimes I wonder why I love to create these images, because it is hardly profitable. I guess I have fed my soul iconic images from black and white films and vintage fashion shoots that I have been captivated by since childhood. And, sometimes I just have to forget the bottom line and feed my soul.
Enjoy the rain and stay dry....stylishly!
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Happy New Year

The new year feels fresh and I have been trying to get rid of clutter and begin new projects and exercise and all sorts of healthy things. I feel like winter is over and that I am ready for spring with it's new beginnings. Our winter has been very mild and we have no snow on the ground. Soon it will be my birthday, always a time for taking stock. Always, for me a time of turning inward and perhaps changing directions or branching out...My husband made me a beautiful portable easel for shooting some of my work that I have moved in front of the window. I am excited about all the possibilities of shooting with a different light. I still need to shoot some snow scenes for next year and I am sure I will have the opportunity as we can have snow any month of the year at 4,000 feet. But for now, I am getting excited about traveling and seeing fresh sights through my lens. I love to work, it is my passion and my escape. Like everyone I get frustrated when I don't get the "perfect" shot. But there is always tomorrow.
I chose these three images..because I am really liking white and black and pink right now for one thing. It is really still winter...but these look fresh to me....This is a lama that I shot during a snow storm...and it's face just enchants's buckteeth and markings. The small feather belongs to one of my little white hens and it is very simple ..and unspectacular...but it looks so soft and downy......and of course valentines day is just around the I am preparing myself...
lucy snowe photography,
new year,
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Buffalos and Ballerinas

I am thinking I better change the name of my blog..because there is nothing FRESH about it...since I only post twice a gosh!!!! So I was toying with the idea of Buffalos and Ballerinas....I think it is kind of catchy....:)
It's practically Christmas and then New Years and then My Birthday....oh my gosh!!!!
Where did the year go? I am always nostalgic this time of year..and I must admit maybe a bit melancholy.....Far from family and friends and childhood....I remember the holidays being so magical when I was a child...and now....well....I can't get very excited for some reason....too busy I guess...and, I do really miss my home.
But I have been super busy shooting....and I guess my photos this time are sort of home themed. I think people respond to images that remind them of home in some way. I know I do...even if it is only a home on wheels.
Happy Holidays everyone!!!
Monday, July 18, 2011
It's Still Summer Yay

This has been a super busy summer....I have taken 3 trips this year...and I am trying madly to get outside a little each day...we have such short summers where I live in Oregon.....It will be snowing before you know it...and I know people are already thinking about fall.....but my cherished peonies just bloomed....I have been trying to work on new products for Christmas..when all I want to do is shoot new work and read mysteries!!! I am excited to share that this month I have been featured in Poppy Talk's Handmade Market..which is quite an honor for me to be included with such smashing artists!
Here is a sampling of some of my new pieces.....
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Bloggers Fever

I have to accept the possibility that I am not a blogger....I love blogs..they are so pretty....I love looking at the photos....but I am ashamed that I can not seem to keep on top of this....lately I have been shooting a lovely friend Sarah of Tutus chic...
allowed me the use of her beautiful model Nicole for a quickie shoot this past week.....We really did not have time to do the model or outfits justice....however...I did come back with one phenomenal shot...It was so not my type of lighting.....or a backdrop that I would have consciously chosen....Which is good sometimes to shake things up....
I have gotten lots of positive feed back from other artists on this shot..which is unlike any of my other work...
Thanks to tutus chic and Nicole for this one!!! :)
There is this blog..which I haven't posted in since April!!!
And, now there is a fanpage on Facebook...
not to mention twitter..and I am basically an introvert...
so these forms of self promotion do not come easy for me..
You will know how much I love photography by the fact that I am forcing myself to do these things.
I do love to show my photos to the world online...and I am so honored to get positive feedback.
Meanwhile it is raining every other day in Oregon...
and I am lucky that I love the rain.....I spent the entire day shooting in the rain....
I have been photographing the ducks in the pond.....and I took a drive up to the check on my favorite "trees"...
There are three trees that I continually shoot..and I love to check on them in all kinds of weather...
And, I have been shooting little houses and trailers and experimenting a little...
Thanks so much for taking the time to read this post and for is so kind of you!!! :)
Hope everyone is having a lovely summer .....
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